Social Ads: Get The Edge Over Your Competitors

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Social Ads & The Invisible Advertiser Score

We constantly hear people wondering why their social ads aren't doing better against their competitors.

Their offers can be similar, the products serve the same purpose, and the copy isn't all too different, but their competitors always seem to come out on top.

But why is that?

What gives their competitors the edge?

Well, Facebook and Instagram have a hidden score of sorts, the better your score, the more likely your ads are to get shown.

And the best way to improve that score is to become a good "social media citizen."

The Facebook And Instagram Algorithm

The Facebook and Instagram algorithm sometimes feels like some mythical creature.

Does it really exist?

How do you tame it?

Is it even possible to tame it?

While in many ways the algorithm is mysterious, there are somethings you can do to use it to your advantage.  

First thing is always remember that Facebook and Instagram exist for the users, not for the advertisers.

The end user experience is paramount.  So you must make sure that you keep that in mind when creating your social ads.

Second, if you remember the first thing you'll always be in a good position to leverage the social advertising algorithm.

Seriously, it's a fact.

You see, you've got to step up your game in the Facebook and Instagram ecosystem if you want this "invisible advertiser" score to work in your favor.

Are you posting regular organic content?

Do you reply to all comments and have great community management?

Are people engaging with your content, both organic and paid ads?

Have you paid your Facebook ads bill on time? (This actually matters!)

Are your followers actual humans or did you have a lapse in judgement years ago and hire someone off Fivver to get you cheap likes?

(This used to happen all the time and it really messes up the integrity of your page.)

In the video below, we get into more detail about exactly what all this means and how you can give your social ads the edge on Facebook and Instagram.

In today's digital age, a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy simply won't cut it.

To stay ahead of the competition and reach your audience effectively, you need to leverage the different stages of the customer journey with a multi-channel approach.

It's not just about reaching more people; it's about reaching the right people, at the right time, on the right channels with a message that resonates so you move people along the customer journey quickly and effectively.

If you are ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy and make a lasting impact on your target audience join our 3 Pillars Masterclass.

Gain the knowledge and tools needed to craft compelling brand narratives, create engaging content, and nurture meaningful relationships.

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